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It was a Sunday afternoon and my daughter and I spent a few hours in our favorite discount department store after months of quarantine had kept its doors closed and ours as well.  There was a certain amount of concern, perhaps anxiety, that went along with this trip.  Emily was just a few days away from having a baby and we had been extremely careful to remain physically distant from others for such a long time.  Venturing out into public places felt a bit strange as we walked through the doors.  It didn’t take long, however, until the newness wore off and we found ourselves laughing and shopping, enjoying the day together.   I dropped Emily off at her house only to receive a call from her a few minutes later.  As I answered the call I could hear loud painfilled wailing coming from the other end of the phone as she cried out in pain for me to come back.   With an ungloved hand, Emily …